Still seeing the person throughout all the changes. Dementia in people with learning difficulties. A basic awareness course

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Why chose this training?

  • people with a learning difficulty are living longer and a proportion of them will develop dementia, sometimes showing early signs in their mid to late 40s
  • staff working in learning difficulties often have little experience of working with issues involved with ageing or dementia
  • CQC are increasingly expecting staff to have had training in this area and recommend it on inspection
  • it ensures that Person Centred Planning continues in a meaningful way
  • positive results ~ staff are enthused and empowered rather than feeling helpless in the face of previously mystifying behaviour; users of the service are still treated as contributing, unique individuals

Length of course: 1 day 9.30 ~ 4.30 or 2 half day equivalents

Expected outcomes: by the end of the course staff will be able to

  • examine and challenge common assumptions regarding dementia
  • acknowledge how the physiological changes caused by dementia can affect speech patterns and behaviour
  • differentiate between early signs of dementia, acute confusional states and depression
  • assess the ‘preferred sense’ used by individuals to expand communication
  • feel confident in using a range of communication techniques and media
  • assess negative and positive interpersonal communication so that they can recognise their own responses and alter them accordingly if needed
  • understand the underlying human needs of people with dementia and ensure that their response is sensitive and appropriate
  • talk about how changes in a person’s behaviour affects other users of the service, staff, professionals and those in the community
  • remain optimistic and confident that they can still provide person centred care whatever the person’s age or abilities

Nature of training: 
Exercises will range from lecture style input (small) to discussion and small group work and to individual sharing within pairs.
Hand outs will be provided to reinforce all theoretical input.
Most exercises will be done in such a way that they can be replicated for use with users or customers of the service.
Poetry and art may contribute to the sessions. This will be easily accessible!

It is possible to roll this day out throughout your organisation with Zoë Grace Cozens training your trainer practitioners over 2 days to include the more advanced course.

Please note: 
This is a basic awareness course and is of value for staff who want to begin preparation for the possibility of dementia in their service. A second day for staff already caring for people with dementia is highly recommended. (link to Still communicating: LDs and dementia.)

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