1 Oct 2014: Sensory Stimulation |Communication beyond language

by ZG | September 12, 2014 11:19

A 1 day training in working alongside people with dementia, in a way that uses all the different senses to communicate. How do you engage with a person once their language skills are no longer available to them? They know their experiences and feelings but it may need boldness and creativity on the part of the staff member to be able to reach out to touch the person in a different way.  Using smell, touch, sound, taste and sight communication is expanded and joy on offer! Expect the unexpected that goes with the sometimes uncharted waters of dementia care.  Staff find that this day provides empathy, appreciation, adventure and a renewed enthusiasm for their job.  It is also very relevant for unpaid carers, partners and family members.  This day is a closed course for Hertfordshire Care Providers Association.


Source URL: https://leapfrogtraining.co.uk/2014/events-course-calendar/calendar/older-people/1-oct-2014-sensory-stimulation-communication-beyond-language/